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Lotus Flower

What to expect during a Group Sound Healing/Sound Bath

The below information is generalizing for the public group Sound Healing.  The session will change and adapt according to the intention and crowd.  Private sessions are tailored depending on the client and treatment plans.  Please review our disclaimers and FAQs first prior to attending our sessions.


  • Come dress comfortably.  We request that you dress respectfully on sacred ground at any temple, church, or place of worship.  If you have meditation clothes, please feel free to wear them.  At any yoga, outdoor, or other location, clothing can be lax. 

  • Bring a blanket, pillow, and a yoga mat (or any other type) to lay on. (optional: face mask/beauty mask, eye cover, healing crystals)

  • If you have any personal items of comfort or treatment, as long as it's not something that would create a distraction during the session, you're more than welcome to bring them.

  • We request that you leave all electronics in a designated area and turn all cell phones on silent.  This will help reduce electronic smogs during Sound Healing.  

  • Ensure attendees sign the disclaimers and read over the FAQs (below).


  • We begin our sessions by going over information and answering any questions attendees might have.  If you have an ailment or treatment plan, we can also go over how to approach the session best.

  • We might start the session with breathwork, meditation, and mindfulness that leads into a guided meditation/hypnosis session.  Depending on the theme of the Sound Healing, it'll tailor to meet the target treatment.

  • Setting intentions  and energy cleansing for the healing (setting manifestation, target healing, emotional release, energy work, mindfulness, etc.)

  • For an hour session, the actual sound bath is anywhere between 40-45 minutes depending on the initial lead-in session as fit based on the crowd.

  • You'll be lying down during the session as it is best recommended.  You can also sit in meditative form or in other positions you feel most comfortable in.  We will go over some basic positions for the best results based on need as well.

  • We use a variety of instruments such as Chimes, Crystal Singing Bowls, Tongue Drums, Hang Drums, Tibetian Singing Bowls, Wah Wah Tubes,  Solffegio Tunning Forks, etc. 

  • You'll be slowly guided back into the present with breathwork and manifestations. 


  • At the end of the session, we'll have a small session to go over our experiences.  

  • and Questions and Answers 

  • Ensure to grab a pamphlet on what to expect following the session as you might experience Healing symptoms

  • Remember to check into our events page for upcoming sessions!

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About Sound Healing

Sound Healing combines different musical instruments to create healing frequencies.  Sound healing has been known to help with mental and physical ailments for thousands of years.  The vibration of sounds can assist in returning your natural frequency, reset your DNA, and synchronize your body, mind, spirit, and heart.  Combining sound therapy with holistic coaching will significantly increase the positive results.

Reduce Stress & Anxiety

Enhance Meditation & Mindfulness

Improve Sleep

Promote Emotional Release

Boost Energy Flow

Support Physical Healing

Connect With Inner Self

Evoke Positive States

Flower Plant

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any side effects to Sound Healing?

Everyone responds to the healing differently.  Some might feel relaxed, while others might feel energized.  The effects could take place days or weeks after the session.

What are some of the common effects of Sound Healing?

Some of the effects might include but are not limited to emotional triggers, hives, nervousness, relaxation, tiredness, tingling in fingers or other parts of the body, visuals of lights, and resurfacing of past memories or loved ones.  The effects are temporary and will disappear as the healing takes place.  Please get in touch with us if you’re unsure of what to do when healing occurs.


Are there any other modalities of healing included in the Sound Healing session?

Yes, we combine different healing modalities to maximize the process and create a better experience for our clients.  These may include energy healing, quantum healing, reiki, meditation techniques, mindfulness, breathing techniques, and other helpful techniques.

What are the benefits of Sound Healing?

Sound healing has been known to help with mental and physical ailments for thousands of years.  The vibration of sounds can assist in returning to your natural physical and psychological frequency, reset your DNA, and synchronize your body, mind, spirit, and heart.  Some of the positive healings could include reducing stress, anxiety, and depression, improving sleep, lessening chronic pain, lower high blood pressure, lowering the risk of heart disease, and helping with autism.  Combining Sound Healing with holistic coaching will significantly increase the positive results.

What’s the difference between Sound Healing and Sound Bath?

Sound Healing combines different sounds and musical instruments to target emotional support using different self-reflection techniques.  Sound baths are a meditation modality using different instruments to create various vibrations and healing frequencies and assist in lowering anxiety, limiting thoughts, and connecting your body.

How often should I do Sound Healing?

Everyone’s healing pace and reactions vary.  We recommend coming once or twice a week for the initial healing process.  Once the underlying issues have been resolved, a physical and mental tune-up is recommended once a month or two months, as preventative healing and resetting would be ideal.

Who should not attend Sound Healing?

Sound Healing can create powerful vibrational frequencies; we advise those with serious health conditions such as heart disease, cancer, or neurological disease to seek medical doctors’ advice before attending our Sound Healing sessions.  If you have a cough, cold, flu, or other viral symptoms that could be contagious to others, please wait until you recover. If you are pregnant, please consult a doctor prior.  We are more than happy to get in touch with your physician for any questions or concerns that they might have.  If you have taken any recreational drugs or consumed alcohol on the day of, you should not attend. 

Have there been real medical concerns in regard to Sound Healing?

No, there has been no proven concern or studies that have suggested a negative impact on Sound Healing.  However, there are numerous testimonials for positive results.   

Are children and pets allowed to attend Sound Healing?

Children and pets may react to sounds differently.  Children can attend Sound Healing under the supervision of an adult.  Pets are highly responsive to sounds.  We don’t recommend Pets in group sessions as it may cause disruptions in a larger crowd.  You are more than welcome to have your pet attend private sessions of your own accord. 

If you have any other questions, please get in touch with us at or the chat icon at the bottom right corner. 

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